Cleome, or spider flower, is an annual known for its exceedingly long seedpods. They develop below the flowers as bloom progresses upward on the stalk to give the plants a spidery look, as do the projecting stamens of the flowers. Description: Cleome flowers, with many opening at once, grow in airy racemes, or clusters of flowers, six to eight inches in diameter. Cleome flowers come in white, pink, or lavender. They perch atop stems that grow up to six feet high.

Gaura coccinea is a species of flowering plant in the evening primrose family known by several common names, including scarlet beeblossom, scarlet gaura, and linda tarde. It is native to much of North America, especially the western and central sections. It can be found in many habitats, and is occasionally an urban weed. This is a perennial herb growing from a woody base and heavy roots. The stems may reach anywhere from 10 centimeters in height to over a meter and sprawling, and they are often

A floating aquatic plant with large, fragrant, white or pink flowers and flat, round, floating leaves. The leaves have long stems and are bright green above and reddish or purplish underneath, almost round. They are narrowly and deeply cut almost to the center, where the stem is attached. They are up to 10 inches across, floating on the surface of the water or just beneath. There is 1 flower to a stem, white, fragrant, 2–6 inches across, and floating on the water. Flowers open in the early morni

Flowers in clusters , two lipped, yellow with orange and with yellow center, tail like spur at base, also called as butter and eggs

Collinsonia canadensis is a perennial medicinal herb in the mint family. Common names include Canada Horsebalm, Richweed, Hardhack, Heal-All, Horseweed, Ox-Balm and Stone root. It is native to eastern North America from Quebec south to Florida and as far west as Missouri, although it is mainly found east of the Mississippi River.

Though all of us are accustomed to the use of flowers in our day to day lives , the cultivated flowers we normally use are only a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the diversity of flowers that surrounds us..The real diversity lies in the wild flowers which we fail to notice..Majority of times they may not be as big as their cultivated counterparts but none the less they are the most impressive in designs...Quite a few of them will not even be visible to the naked eye when you pass through! This section attempts to bring to you the wild flowers of North America in all their glory...